Articole din rubrica Articles, Church people, Heritage, Quotations, parables, Spiritual guidance
Elder Ilie Cleopa: „all our efforts are useless, if we do not guard these two: our mind and our tongue”

Often all our efforts and deeds become useless, if we do not guard these two: our mind and our tongue. Because all sins has their beginning in the mind, in the thought, and all bad acts are first of all expressed by the tongue. Saint Isaac the Syrian says: “A righteous man’s tongue is the More…
5:18, Friday, 31 January, 2014 | Continuarea
How can we be people of God in all that we do?

Learn to be man of God. Everybody learn. Do not only expect others to do so, because those who preside in the chair are also human beings, people who acquired, to a certain extent, the quality of man of God. You should go beyond the teacher, mother, father, school master, etc. Turn you face to the supreme More…
2:24, Friday, 31 January, 2014 | Continuarea
Religious books in Bessarabia 1812 – 1918 (between tradition and tsarists politics)

Summary Paper Religious books in Bessarabia 1812 – 1918 (between tradition and tsarists politics), is dedicated to an actual, but not sufficiently studied theme. The historical explanation was directed to delimitate some significant moments of historical, political, confessional and cultural background that marked the religious book in Bessarabia – it persisted under the sign of More…
10:27, Friday, 31 January, 2014 | Continuarea
Who is interested in his neighbour today?

In this struggle, many brothers of ours lay prostrated on the ground, in wounds, in their own blood, and there’s nobody to take care of them: neither lay, nor clergy, nobody; there is nobody to help them, neither friend, nor brother; because we all think just of ourselves. This is why we are all sinking. More…
5:35, Thursday, 30 January, 2014 | Continuarea
Christ in the centre of a Christian family

By priest Constantin Cojocaru If we put Christ into the very core of our life, if we penetrate into Christ’s words full of wisdom, teaching every Christian to love his neighbour, if we follow the examples of Holy Apostles and of Holy Fathers, we will never need any Family Codes, or, further, any Civil Rights More…
11:56, Wednesday, 29 January, 2014 | Continuarea
The history of Curchi Monastery

The monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God, called the Curchi Monastery, is one of the most significant monuments of Moldovan architecture in Basarabia. The monastery is located in Orhei judets (county), on thevalley of Vaticiu water, at a distance of 12 km from Orhei town, and 55 km from Chisinau, the capital of theRepublic of Moldova. The monastery More…
6:50, Tuesday, 28 January, 2014 | Continuarea
Elder Selafiil of the Monastery of Noul Neamt (1908-2005)

Below is a short excerpt from the newly translated and published book on the life and teachings of the beloved Romanian Elder, Father Selafiil, which can be purchased through Amazon at this link: Father Selafiil of the Monastery of Noul Neamt – Love That Never Fails: Discussions and Testimonies. This book is a rare record More…
11:39, Tuesday, 28 January, 2014 | Continuarea
“God Is Always With You” An Interview with Father Roman Braga

In the early part of this month, Ms. Jessica Precop, on behalf of our department, traveled to the Dormition of the Mother of God Monastery in Rives Junction, Michigan to interview Father Roman Braga, who grew up and served in Romania under a communist regime. We are very thankful to Ms. Precop, Father Roman, and More…
11:31, Tuesday, 28 January, 2014 | Continuarea
The present economic and financial condition of Bessarabia

We have seen that Bessarabia is an almost purely agricultural region, with only a rudimentary industrial and commercial development; that when the Roumanians took it over from the Russians, they found it almost without means of communication, and with an uneducated and backward peasantry. Since then, they have had to struggle with several years of More…
10:22, Tuesday, 28 January, 2014 | Continuarea
Metropolitan Petru Movila of Kiev

Peter Mogila (also spelled Petro Mohyla or Petr Moghila; Ukrainian: Петро Могила, Romanian: Petru Movilă) was the Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia from 1632 until his death in 1646. He established an education program in Kiev based on Western (Latin) academic concepts that stressed vindication of Orthodox primacy and doctrine and Church jurisdiction. Life Peter Mogila was born on December 21, 1596 More…
6:58, Monday, 13 January, 2014 | Continuarea
Comment of the day
Pr. Constantin Cojocaru:
Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.. (John 16, 33) -
Bishop Ioan Moșneguțu:
Thoughts on the Resurrection of the Lord -
Pr. Mihail Bortă:
Can daily navigation on Orthodox spirituality websites be an alternative to the traditional Church service attendance? -
Pr. Octavian Mosin:
Uniting with the Church we unite with the Creator… -
Bishop Ioan Moșneguțu:
From sin to holiness: thoughts on the Fifth Sunday of Great Leant -
Pr. Alexandru Iamandi:
Knowing the day of one’s death -
Pr. Iulian Rață:
Orthodoxy is in our hearts!
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