Articole din rubrica News
Memorial house of romanian elder Sofian Boghiu Consecrated in his native Village
The great Romanian elder Fr. Sofian Boghiu was honored on Monday, September 14, in his native village on the 18th anniversary of his holy repose. Fr. Sofian was born on October 7, 1912, in Cuconeștii Vechi, Bălți County in what is today northern Moldova. On Monday, a memorial house was opened there in his honor, More…
3:24, Monday, 31 May, 2021 | Continuarea
Can daily navigation on Orthodox spirituality websites be an alternative to the traditional Church service attendance?
Talking about the importance of on-line communication in Orthodoxy, can it be an alternative to traditional church-goint? – Categorically no. As I said earlier, the virtual environment indeed provides certain communication perspectives that were unknown six or seven years ago to the Orthodox internet in our country. However, true communion with God can be achieved More…
10:35, Thursday, 2 April, 2015 | Continuarea
The way to Saharna Monastery
Saharna Monastery is situated in the district of town Rezina.It was made in 1495. The monastic complex is a natural reservation; it encompasses 670 ha and is under the government protection. Initially the monastic complex embodied a small hermitage — Horodiste and a small temple spaded in rock stone celebrating the Annunciation festival. In 1776, More…
10:33, Wednesday, 22 October, 2014 | Continuarea
Orthodoxy is not simply a Church of the past – Patriarch Bartholomew
Your Eminence and beloved brother Metropolitan Sotirios, Honorable organizers and participants, Dear friends and faithful, It is with sincere paternal joy that we greet you from the sacred Center of the Orthodox Church. We are pleased to extend our paternal blessing as you commence the presentations and discussions of your conference on the Ecumenical Patriarchate, More…
10:24, Wednesday, 22 October, 2014 | Continuarea
Saint Silouan the Athonite and His Relevance Today: Part 1
It is interesting to observe the increasing interest in spiritual life among many people around the world. Many people are seeking a personal experience of God. They desire a tangible and dynamic experience of His presence within their daily lives. Furthermore, many today are trying to satisfy this inner need through a variety of methods More…
10:03, Wednesday, 22 October, 2014 | Continuarea
Alexandru Baltaga – Martyr priest from Bessarabia
Alexandru Baltagă (born April 14, 1861, Lozova, Lăpuşna County, Bessarabia (when Russian Empire) – d. August 7, 1941, Kazan, USSR) was a Bessarabian Romanian Orthodox priest, a founder of the Bessarabian religious press in the Romanian language, a member of Sfatul Ţării (1917–1918), a Soviet political prisoner, and, according to the Orthodox Church, a martyr More…
11:56, Friday, 19 September, 2014 | Continuarea
Metropolitan Hilarion: No Winners in a World War
However, the voice of the Church today sounds like “one crying out in the wilderness” (John 1:23). Some may even ask, “Why does the Church keep silent, why do we not hear it?” The Church is not silent! But unfortunately, the Church’s voice is being drowned out among the cacophony of other voices calling not More…
1:12, Thursday, 4 September, 2014 | Continuarea
“We Want Perfection Without Having First Trod the Road of the Commandments”
When we hear Christ mentioning these Commandments — where are we? Who of us can say that he was faithful to every word of this short list that indicate that without which we cannot live? Where do we stand? Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do More…
4:16, Monday, 1 September, 2014 | Continuarea
Russia’s Kultura Television Channel Premiers a Documentary by Metropolitan Ilarion, “Orthodoxy in America”
A documentary film produced by His Eminence Metropolitan Ilarion of Volokolamsk, “Orthodoxy in America,” will premier on Russia’s Kultura television channel on August 24, 2014. There are several large church jurisdictions in America today, and over a thousand Orthodox parishes. But at one time, there was only one Orthodox Church here—the Russian Orthodox Church, or, More…
7:34, Monday, 25 August, 2014 | Continuarea
Patriarch Kirill asks Poroshenko to stop war, prays for its victims
Moscow, August 25, Interfax – Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has greeted Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko on Ukraine’s Independence Day. “Once and again I am calling on you to do everything possible for the speedy termination of bloodshed for the sake of all residents of Ukraine,” the patriarch’s message of greeting says as More…
5:40, Monday, 25 August, 2014 | Continuarea
The Monastery “The Holy Great-martyr Jacob the Persian”
Sireţi village, Străşeni rayon, Moldova, MD-3731 Phone: (+373)-237-71705 Email: [email protected] How to get here: There is a bus station on Calea Ieşilor street, in Chişinău, next to agro-food market. The buses circulates between 6:00 AM and 21:00 PM, every 30 minutes * * * In the heart of the Bessarabia, at 16 km far from More…
10:05, Tuesday, 11 February, 2014 | Continuarea
Religious books in Bessarabia 1812 – 1918 (between tradition and tsarists politics)
Summary Paper Religious books in Bessarabia 1812 – 1918 (between tradition and tsarists politics), is dedicated to an actual, but not sufficiently studied theme. The historical explanation was directed to delimitate some significant moments of historical, political, confessional and cultural background that marked the religious book in Bessarabia – it persisted under the sign of More…
10:27, Friday, 31 January, 2014 | Continuarea
The history of Curchi Monastery
The monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God, called the Curchi Monastery, is one of the most significant monuments of Moldovan architecture in Basarabia. The monastery is located in Orhei judets (county), on thevalley of Vaticiu water, at a distance of 12 km from Orhei town, and 55 km from Chisinau, the capital of theRepublic of Moldova. The monastery More…
6:50, Tuesday, 28 January, 2014 | Continuarea
Elder Selafiil of the Monastery of Noul Neamt (1908-2005)
Below is a short excerpt from the newly translated and published book on the life and teachings of the beloved Romanian Elder, Father Selafiil, which can be purchased through Amazon at this link: Father Selafiil of the Monastery of Noul Neamt – Love That Never Fails: Discussions and Testimonies. This book is a rare record More…
11:39, Tuesday, 28 January, 2014 | Continuarea
Comment of the day
Pr. Constantin Cojocaru:
Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.. (John 16, 33) -
Bishop Ioan Moșneguțu:
Thoughts on the Resurrection of the Lord -
Pr. Mihail Bortă:
Can daily navigation on Orthodox spirituality websites be an alternative to the traditional Church service attendance? -
Pr. Octavian Mosin:
Uniting with the Church we unite with the Creator… -
Bishop Ioan Moșneguțu:
From sin to holiness: thoughts on the Fifth Sunday of Great Leant -
Pr. Alexandru Iamandi:
Knowing the day of one’s death -
Pr. Iulian Rață:
Orthodoxy is in our hearts!
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