Articole din rubrica Articles, Комментарий Дня
Uniting with the Church we unite with the Creator…
One thing is to receive Holy Baptismal that brings us into a new life, and, respectively, into a new world, and different is to live in the Church of Christ. But what we see is that most of our people are baptized, but not live by Church principles, in the spirit of Gospel teaching. One More…
2:38, Wednesday, 1 April, 2015 | Continuarea
The danger of easiness
Easiness is nowadays promoted on all possible channels, and is infiltrated in all areas of human activity. We are witnesses of – if not even participants in – a race for comfort and simplicity, which is alarming at best. This “philosophy” also directly affects the way we understand and experience our faith. Under the mask More…
4:16, Friday, 7 February, 2014 | Continuarea
Comment of the day
Pr. Constantin Cojocaru:
Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.. (John 16, 33) -
Bishop Ioan Moșneguțu:
Thoughts on the Resurrection of the Lord -
Pr. Mihail Bortă:
Can daily navigation on Orthodox spirituality websites be an alternative to the traditional Church service attendance? -
Pr. Octavian Mosin:
Uniting with the Church we unite with the Creator… -
Bishop Ioan Moșneguțu:
From sin to holiness: thoughts on the Fifth Sunday of Great Leant -
Pr. Alexandru Iamandi:
Knowing the day of one’s death -
Pr. Iulian Rață:
Orthodoxy is in our hearts!
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Natalia Lozan:
"10 important things to do till the end of Great Lent"
Renata Popa:
"What is happiness?"
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