Articole din rubrica Articles, Комментарий Дня
Thoughts on the Resurrection of the Lord
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12, 2) With light and spiritual joy of Resurrection am I greeting you, beloved in Christ brothers and sisters! For two millenniums there has been no other good news, more important to us, than that Christ is More…
4:11, Tuesday, 14 April, 2015 | Continuarea
From sin to holiness: thoughts on the Fifth Sunday of Great Leant
Let Moses’ hand assure us, my soul, how God can whiten and cleanse a leprous life. So do not despair of yourself, even though you are leprous The Great Canon, as sang on Monday of the first week of Lent, Song 6 We are finishing the fifth week of Lent, the great feast of the More…
1:46, Monday, 30 March, 2015 | Continuarea
Comment of the day
Pr. Constantin Cojocaru:
Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.. (John 16, 33) -
Bishop Ioan Moșneguțu:
Thoughts on the Resurrection of the Lord -
Pr. Mihail Bortă:
Can daily navigation on Orthodox spirituality websites be an alternative to the traditional Church service attendance? -
Pr. Octavian Mosin:
Uniting with the Church we unite with the Creator… -
Bishop Ioan Moșneguțu:
From sin to holiness: thoughts on the Fifth Sunday of Great Leant -
Pr. Alexandru Iamandi:
Knowing the day of one’s death -
Pr. Iulian Rață:
Orthodoxy is in our hearts!
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Natalia Lozan:
"10 important things to do till the end of Great Lent"
Renata Popa:
"What is happiness?"
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