His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir participated in the inauguration of the monument of Holy Prince Stephan the Great in Criuleni

10:11, Tuesday, 2 September, 2014 | 1587 Views |

After the Divine Liturgy on the 12th Sunday after Pentecost, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir traveled to Criuleni, to participate in the ceremony of inauguration of the monument of Moldovan Prince Saint Stephan the Great.

The ceremony commemorated 510 years after the repose of Saint Stephan the Great.

Present at this prominent event were President of the Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, Moldovan Ex President Mircea Snegur, President of the Liberal Democratic Party, Mr. Vlad Filat, President of Criuleni raion Vitalie Rotaru, and numerous guests representing state authorities and the civil society.

The culminating moment of the ceremony was the Service of the blessing of the bronze sculpture, celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, assisted by a numerous group of priests from Criuleni and Dubasari church circumscription.

In the inauguration remarks, President of the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Nicolae Timofti said: “People of this land had always been characterized by courage, braveness, and zeal. It is people from Criuleni who first fought for the state integrity”.

Congratulating the audience, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir appreciated the initiative of Criuleni people and authorities: “I bow before those who contributed to the erection of this monument that will always remind us of the brave Voyevod Saint Stephan the Great, especially of his message that reaches us over generations and will continue to reach on over centuries: the message of guarding the boundaries and preserving this land…”

The commander of Police Special Destination Brigade “Fulger”, Mr. Ion Turcanu made a brief overview of the country’s recent history, and mentioned that our citizens have always raised their thoughts to God in the most difficult moments of their lives, and always followed the ancestors’ example of faithful life.

After the ceremony of laying flowers at the monument, the Metropolitan, accompanied by mitred Archpriest Teodor Pelin, Dean of Criuleni and Dubasari circumscription, and other participants of the event, visited the Fair of people’s craftsmen.

source: mitropolia.md

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