Holy Apostles Peter and Paul celebrated at the Nativity of the Lord Metropolitan Cathedral

16:55, Wednesday, 12 July, 2017 | 1974 Views |

Wednesday, 12 July, on the day of commemoration of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir, assisted by a synax of priests and deacons, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Nativity of the Lord Metropolitan Cathedral, in the presence of hundreds of church-goers gathered to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ and venerate his holy Apostles.

The laity and clergy, inspired by the grandeur of the Feast, prayed together with the Archpastor to the most prolific preachers of Christ’s Gospel, asking for their holy intercession before the Throne of the Righteous Judge, and for their heavenly protection of the right-faithful and God-loving people.

This was a very special day for Hierodeacon Efrem (Romanciuc) from Holy Monastery of St. James in Sireti, for he was ordained by Metropolitan Vladimir into the dignity of Hieromonk. The archpastor congratulated the young cleric and wished him wisdom and heavenly guidance in his cross-bearing mission, following the example and zeal of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in serving to the Lord with abnegation and utmost faithfulness.

A Thanks-giving service followed the Divine Liturgy, after which the faithful flock received archpastoral guidance and blessing, bearing in their hearts the joy and grandeur of the holiday.

Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Relations with Mass-Media


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