Congratulation message of His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova to Igor Dodon, on the occasion of his election into the position of President of the Republic of Moldova

15:13, Tuesday, 15 November, 2016 | 1280 Views |

Your Excellence

Mr. President,

Following the choice of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, called for elections on 13th November, please allow me to congratulate You and address to Your Excellence a pastoral message of sharing my thoughts and hopes related to Your election into the position of President of the Republic of Moldova. I wish you full success in the actions You will realize while exerting the mandate entrusted to You.

Unfortunately, the election campaign in our country was cast into an abysm of discord and internal fight. I fervently pray, in the hope that the Orthodox people of Moldova does not remain frustrated. Just as many others, I hope that the full power You have been invested with and that is in Your hands presently, serves for the good of all citizens of the country.

At the same time, I express my hope that Your mandate will mark significant progress in terms of the identification of a solution bringing peace to the political poles in our society, ensuring sustainable progress of our country.

Please accept my wishes for good health, prosperity, and may God help You in all good intentions.

May Good God protect our right-faithful nation and bless the Republic of Moldova with peace and prosperity.

With archpastoral blessing



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