“When You, oh Lord, were baptized in the Jordan…” – the Baptismal of the Lord celebrated at the Metropolitan Cathedral

22:14, Thursday, 19 January, 2017 | 1502 Views |

On the day when the Orthodox Christians celebrate the Baptismal of the Lord (6/19 January), the parishioners of the Nativity of the Lord Metropolitan Cathedral joined in prayer at a divine service celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir.

The day started with the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir and the synax of priests and deacons of the Cathedral.

After the Amvon Prayer, the Metropolitan, accompanied by the clergy, headed to the pool in front of the Cathedral, to officiate the Great Blessing of Waters service.

The Dean of the Cathedral, Archpriest Vadim Cheibas, came up then with a pastoral message, mentioning the following:

“Christ did not need to be baptized by John, because He was sinless. However, as He had taken upon Himself the human condition, that is, entered the world affected by sin and death, He was baptized for the salvation of the humankind, to show every person that they need purification and change. This change or renewal means that the old man of sin and disobedience needs to die, so that the new man is born to the eternal life in communion of obedience and love with God Father, Son and Holy Spirit.”

“Theophany is the Feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). God the Father spoke from Heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the Saint John the Forerunner, and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Son in the form of a dove. From ancient times this Feast was called the Day of Illumination and the Feast of Lights, since God is Light and has appeared to illumine “those who sat in darkness,” and “in the region of the shadow of death” (Mt.4:16), and to save the fallen race of mankind by grace.” – is mentioned in the dogmatic description of this Feast (oca.org).

Present at the event was President Igor Dodon with wife, who prayed together with the people, fully experiencing the joy of this Great Holiday.

Synodal Sector of Institutional Communication and Relations with the Mass-Media

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