Thoughts on the Resurrection of the Lord

16:11, Tuesday, 14 April, 2015 | 2376 Views |

 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12, 2)

With light and spiritual joy of Resurrection am I greeting you, beloved in Christ brothers and sisters!

For two millenniums there has been no other good news, more important to us, than that Christ is Risen! And there has been no other more convincing response in sharing the true faith, than that Indeed He is Risen!

There is no other more important and more joyful event to us than the triumphant Resurrection of our Saviour. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate Him flee before Him (Psalm 68, 1). These words of King David resound in our churches in the Night of Pascha and during the entire Paschal period. In the mouth of the Prophet these words sound like a desire based on belief that this will indeed happen, that God will arise and His enemies will be scattered. And we repeat these triumphant words as this prophecy fulfills in the night of Christ’s Resurrection.

These words are immediately followed by the most wonderful hymns of our Church: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life!” A hymn before which death recedes, evil and discord disappear, and our souls unite in love and mercy.

Years pass after years, centuries pass after centuries, generations replace other generations, but every time, once with spring breathing and nature’s awakening, the Christian hearts are replenished with the joy of Resurrection of Christ the Saviour.

On the Feast of Resurrection nobody can stay indifferent, and thousands of thousands of Christians gather in front of our churches. Man’s longing for God, man’s thirst of light and life eternal are inner states of a human being called to join Christ, to join Resurrection. Uttering the words Christ is Risen we, in fact, witness that we discovered the answer to all questions that unrest our soul. That in this very night we are as close as possible to the purpose of our life, close as possible to eternity.

Resurrection of Christ is not an event that occurred once upon a time in history. This is the essence of our life, this is what everybody should seek. For the entire period of the Great Lent was for this very night, was for us to prepare our souls for a change, to make us ready for our resurrection as well – resurrection from a life full of passions and sins into eternal life.

These Holy Days of Resurrection also insistently appeal to young people, to those who are our foundation and future. Although our Church has no young and old people, but only youth of various ages, it is youth that is the foundation that will base entire life.

The society nowadays often does not notice the true light of the youth. But it sees very well only negative aspects of young people. However, young people cannot be represented in negative aspects. It’s not true that youth nowadays represent only revolt, disobedience, and slipping into sin and pleasure. They are bearers of outstanding light that must merely be noticed, supported, and brought to surface to be seen by all. Youth are people of tomorrow, are what our country and society will be tomorrow.

You, the young, should be aware of how important youth is, how beautiful it is, but also, how important it is to live with dignity in this period of life. It is true that you are nowadays under attack, maybe more than ever, in your desire to be disciples of Christ. The wave of temptations is often overwhelming, lack of models, fight of unrest, and even lack of sense and love may disconcert anybody. But you should not forget that your are not alone on this way. Side by side with you is walking our model that guides us to eternity – Christ the Saviour.

I wish that this mystery of Resurrection penetrate into the deepest cords of your souls, transforming them into true joy. And then the person inspired by the Feast of Resurrection will no longer be able to remain sad or alone, or overwhelmed by despair. I also wish that you truly experience this joy, not only for yourselves, but also sharing it with your family, friends, peers. So that the victory of Christ over death is transformed into the victory over darkness from the souls, over hardship and unrest that very often constitutes a heavy burden for us.

“Now all things are filled with light: heaven and earth, and the nethermost regions. (Ode 3 from the Paschal Canon)

The soul filled with light has no longer room for evil. Now is the beginning of a new life that Risen Christ granted to all those who believe in Him. Shall we be heralds of this light, messengers of Resurrection. And let Resurrection rest forever in our souls.

“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. Let all your things be done with charity (1 Cor. 16, 13-14).

Christ is Risen!

With archpastoral blessings.


Bishop of Soroca, Vicar of the Metropolis of Moldova

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