10 important things to do till the end of Great Lent

14:47, Wednesday, 1 April, 2015 | 2702 Views |

There is just a little over one week of Great Lent remaining, and then we come into the Passion Week – the week for which we prepared so long and that commemorates the last days of Christ on earth, His road to Cross and Resurrection.

The Great Lent has passed by quickly as usual, and before it ends it would be good if we stopped from endless agitation of the life we live, and achieve at least a part of what we intended to do in this fast as well. In these last days of Great Lent it would be good for us to mobilize our forces. The list of things to finish would look approximately like this:

  1. To pray to God that we see our own sins and become aware of them, and prepare for deep confession, asking our confessor to find time for it.
  2. To attend the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts that is celebrated on Wednesdays and Fridays, and to take communion in it.
  3. To start reading the entire prayer rule, or at least to extend just a little the prayers we say. Or at least try to pray more intensely and attentively then we use to.
  4. To read at least one of the four Gospels. It is good to read the entire Gospel during Great Lent, but if we didn’t manage to do so, then we should read again at least one of the Gospels.
  5. To finish the things we’ve kept postponing, so that we release Great Thursday and Great Friday of the Passion Week.
  6. To visit our relatives and give more attention to those at home – at least talk to them and listen to them without hurrying.
  7. To keep at least one of our promises: for someone that might be to put a last that picture on the wall, or to put things in order – things we keep promising and postponing.
  8. To limit our communication on the internet – either voluntarily, or through special programs that help us monitor the time spent on a certain web site – minimizing it in this way for at least the remaining two weeks.
  9. To ask for forgiveness and make it up with those whom we wrongly offended.
  10. To participate in a charity action, whether with a given amount of money or offering our time – the most important thing is to make the first step forward to help those who need us.


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